Market oriented theory
You: Again I think the factor that is making people quit smoking is the high mortality rate that smoking causes. I disagree completely that people are as sheep as you that you will just obey anything you are told to
Stranger: No people stopped smoking because of C. Everett Coupe who was a gov't employee
Stranger: No it wasn't
You: lol I don't put thought about social change that is you. I believe in the individual. i worry about reading books and actually solving the issue of our society instead of trying to control people like you
Stranger: smoking is addictive and many that smoke, even today know the dangers
Stranger: People aren't necessarily sheep though sometimes they are, the problem is that we can't expect people to internalize the complex level of information in society
Stranger: The average consumer is at a disadvantage to the industries that create means to deceive them
Stranger: Look, people are controlled either by the state, by the community or by the market
You: I think it flies over your head that we are just two animals in this planet. and doesn't' matter how much you throw a tantrum your opinion won't be worth that much outside your brain :\
Stranger: It is true we are 'animals' as you say... but we are a social species
Poll: Do you agree with cutting funding to the World Health Organization (WHO)?
Yes, they failed to alert of the pandemic in time
No, they did all they could
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No, they did all they could
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The Immigration Dilemma
In 2016, Donald J. Trump won the presidency of the United States. One of his more controversial and catchy promises he made during his campaign was to build a long wall along our southern border. The message resonated with many people around the country. It created both loyal fans and angry enemies.
President Trump voiced stron..... Read full article