Should higher education be tuition free?


Generations after generations have been chasing the same American dream for hundreds of years. The notion of having a big house, a nice yard, couple of cars and good paying job seem to be a fairly tale these days. Colleges and Universities have made it impossible to pay for higher education with savings or out of our pocket money. These days students are forced to accrue an enormous amount of debt if they wish to enter and finish their professional careers.

Democrat/Left view

Long gone is the time where you can get a decent job without presenting a piece of paper that says you are a qualified and a capable human being. You can guess the amount of money someone can make, if they were to tell you what career they graduated with and what college they went to. On top of that students are forced to pay enormous amounts of money for this piece of paper. Without foreseen the consequences, we have created a system that cripples young adults. Every student graduates with an absurd amount of debt, and many of them won't be able to get a decent pay during the first few years of their careers. The market is an unforgivable and volatile economic sytem often lacking the jobs that new graduates desperately need. It is also natural for the market to inflate and shrink periodically. Students who have graduated during a recession have it particularly hard, making graduation a soul crushing reality where they have to start paying for an education they have not benefited from yet.

It is relatively easy to get loans to cover for your higher education. However, there is little to no financial information about just how much debt students are really getting themselves into. They are accumulating an unaffordable amount of debt making student essentially bankrupt as soon as they go leave college.

With the raise of AI and advanced software, more and more people are finding lots of obstacles when it comes to finding jobs in their feild. Lots of first world countries have foreseen these pitfalls in our future and have done all in their power to provide basic higher education to their people. This allows citizens to be able to compete with all of the new emerging technology that is actively competing to get more jobs.

Republic/Right view

Our education system is broken, we can all agree that our higher education institutions are giant bureaucracies that need to be put out of business by a superior educational system. However, forgiving student debt or allowing the government to take over privately owned business is never a real solution. If you think about it, this whole mess started when the government decided to help students by subsidizing students loans. By simple economics, the more demand there is the pricier it gets. Limited classrooms, limited teachers and limited seats will always increase the price when there are more people demanding than seats in the classroom.

Removing federal financial aid from the higher education system will cause the cost of universities to slowly go down naturally. Only a very small sector of the populations can afford our current outrageous prices. The market will do its job and force universities to cut the prices as well as unnecessary spending. Universities now a days are seen as a stage in one's life. Universities are forced to compete with each other on campus looks, the amount of night clubs and fun activities for their prospective students. The simple of notion of teaching isn't enough for our current generations. We made our young adults into prey for big universities that are only interested in selling useless careers.

New and creative "hobby careers", like gender studies and lesbian dance theory, are developed and created every year by universities around the United States. These careers have little to no value in our market society. To succeed in our market economy, your skill set must be of value to a large portion of the population. It is always wise to aim to obtain skills that can benefit everyone in society. Universities, blinded by govermnet loans to students, are tricking students by selling useless sets of skills that no business wants. It is not surprising that a lot of young adults end up with a huge amount of debt and with no valueble skill set to sell


If we can all agree on something, it is that we need to fix our current educational system. Careers and specializations were created during past industrial revolutions. They helped people transition from farming into the factories. With the rapid development of the internet and technology in general, now we must shift the way we see careers and education. The imminent arrival of AI and Quantum computing, will represent yet a bigger challenge for the current infant generation.

Author: US2020Polls
Date created Mar 16, 2020
Last update: May 21, 2020
Poll: Should public colleges and universities be tuition free?
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