The Hive & State Capitalism
Stranger: But yeah, those too kind of work since the power is not infighting. The key is to move in a direction or other. Not to be stuck in an equilibrium for all time.
You: how are you going to convice people to be part of your hive or you will just enslave them?
Stranger: Depends on the power disparity of course.
You: so you don't know huh?
Stranger: Well I do have control over some factions.
Stranger: Not all.
Stranger: It is a game of allocation.
You: allocation of what?
You: what type of factions do you control?
Stranger: Time, energy, other resources.
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Health care as a human right.
It is rooted in our human experience to appreciate all life on this planet, especially human life. The tragedy of losing someone to a disease can be felt everyday around the world. We have made immense progress in treating harmful diseases and illnesses that were deadly not so long ago using our advanced medical technology. Sadly, not everyone ..... Read full article