The Hive & State Capitalism
You: that is why you lose all your smart human capital right?
Stranger: Not.
Stranger: It is actually specialization.
Stranger: When each unit is like a neuron (but obviously a neuron with the compute capacity of a Human), the brain is far intelligent. Disparate cell colonies never reach that level of cognition.
Stranger: So the goal is to simply streamline thought for efficient utilization.
You: well in your prefect system the smartest person would take the control 100 percent of the times. As soon as it is shown the leader should give up power the more capable human. That way you can be consistent with your population and the promise that your ability in communis will be truly appreciate. otherwise smarter people than the current leader will just leave to a capitalist society that promise them to reap the rewards of their intellect
Stranger: There is no smartest person. One person is always a negligible factor, but does contribute by chaos. They can die like a neuron does and the system would mostly be the same thing.
You: and I don't see winnie the poo giving up power lol
Stranger: China? They are not hive minds. They are a hierarchical autocracy.
You: fair enough I was making a stupid joke, forgive my humor
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Assault Style Weapons Ban & The Second Amendment
The sound of a gun is something most of us don't want to hear in our lifetime. The tragedy to see our young people perish at the hands of a mentally unstable person, has touched our hearts deeply. Very few countries allow their people the right to bare arms as freely as in the United States. Guns are considered by many as evil and immoral. In th..... Read full article