Meritocratic Socialism
Stranger: I mean you can accomplish the allocation mechanism via labor to selling value ratios while this allows for optimization on an industry scale. It's not really a promise, it's more so laying out a plan on how to accomplish these things.
Stranger: Like if any detail is unclear we can talk about that
You: I understand but the optimization is what i am offering. You are saying well if we only have your optimization we will do great..... but no you can't have it lol. it is mine
Stranger: I mean I'm simply saying we would have more optimization.
Stranger: In capitalism optimization happens on a business scale, under socialism private property laws don't prevent you from optimizing industry wide
You: I understand that is the promise you give to your people. I am here as the optimizer and I am saying to you. I choose capitalism because it allows me to accumulate wealth and it gives me freedom to minister my means of production however I want. You are offering me to do this so the lazy people in your society can get a cut of my work. I say no...
Stranger: It's not a promise as I said, I'm suggesting a plan and it is up to other people to decide whether they agree with it or not. Moreover, I don't know what this has to do with people being lazy
Stranger: my proposal is far more meritocratic than capitalism since work would be the sole source of wealth, even differential wealth.
Stranger has disconnected.
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Health care as a human right.
It is rooted in our human experience to appreciate all life on this planet, especially human life. The tragedy of losing someone to a disease can be felt everyday around the world. We have made immense progress in treating harmful diseases and illnesses that were deadly not so long ago using our advanced medical technology. Sadly, not everyone ..... Read full article