Lobbying is stopping small business growth
Stranger: But those investors won't be allowed to exploit any workers.
Stranger: However they will be compensated for their risk.
You: yes and co-ops have been like encouraged and funded by gv for long time, results that creating a business usually means risking your livelihood, yearn there ain't no many people willing to risk that
You: I sad inventors not investors
You: said*
Stranger: No?
Stranger: In fact you'd probably have more inventors since no one would be limited by their place in society.
You: no because inventing usually pays nothing until you create something that is worth something to someone. so inventors risk their life and many of them fail. that is why co-ops don't come up unless they are structured and funded beforehand by an angel investor or gov.
Stranger: I'm sorry that was a very confusing sentence.
Stranger: Are you saying that under capitalism, we give value to innovations of all forms or just ones that can make a profit?
Should higher education be tuition free?
Generations after generations have been chasing the same American dream for hundreds of years. The notion of having a big house, a nice yard, couple of cars and good paying job seem to be a fairly tale these days. Colleges and Universities have made it impossible to pay for higher education with savings or out of our pocket money. These days stu..... Read full article