Health care as a human right.


It is rooted in our human experience to appreciate all life on this planet, especially human life. The tragedy of losing someone to a disease can be felt everyday around the world. We have made immense progress in treating harmful diseases and illnesses that were deadly not so long ago using our advanced medical technology. Sadly, not everyone has access to these products and services since the cost of bringing these technologies to market is high. Many first world countries have made it the norm for citizens to have access to these commodities for free, yet the US is still lacking universal health care.

Most of our great advances in science are a product of our capitalist society. The promise to reap the rewards of your own labor catapulted brilliant minds into action to produce innovative and effective cures as well as powerful drugs. Interrupting this flow of innovation could yield an unintended and undesirable outcome for everyone.

The debate rages on because there is a lack of resources to make all of these new treatments and medicine available to everyone in the US.

Democrat/Left view

All life in this planet is considered precious, especially human life. We have no evidence that intelligent life exists outside our planet, so it vital that we preserve it as much as we can. Health care in 2020 should be considered a right, because it will ensure that we, as a society, prioritize the protection and well being of everyone. Currently in the United States, your well being can be in jeopardy if you don't have the right amount of money in your bank account. Many low and middle class people are at the mercy of the volatile prices of health services and greedy scrutiny of insurance companies. Most countries around the world recognize the value of life and have some type of universal health care for their people while many in the United States have turned to crowd source funding to pay for medical bills and treatments.

Our current health care system pushes most hospitals and health care providers to operate as a business. The nature of business is to run with the goal of attaining profit. Researches and other medical professionals could potentially develop inferior medicine in the hopes of producing more income. If they are able to capitalize on human suffering, we can never reach our medical potential.

While letting the government control the health care industry might be a bad idea. It is very important that strong regulations are put in place to push for universal health care in the US. The United States as the leader of the free world should set an example for all the other countries of the world. By regulating medical services and drug prices, as well as making health care an universal human right. It can go a long way to push humanity in the right direction for the future.

Republic/Right view

Contemplating the idea that a health care provider's service is one's right, makes up the path for our politicians to enslave our doctors and nurses. The basic foundation of a peaceful and prosperous society is the right to reap the rewards of your own labor. This freedom is one of the pillars of capitalism, our current system. That simple idea lifted millions of people from poverty over the last few decades. It produces innovation and bring about all the amazing products and services we enjoy today. Medical services and drugs are no different. Most breakthroughs in medicine happen because the rewards for those who accomplished them are immense. Freedom has always attracted entrepreneurs and geniuses, the producers of the life saving medical advances we all desire.

The health care in the US is second to none. People flock from around the world to the United States for cancer treatment and for treatments of other serious illness. There is a direct correlation of the free market and the quality in medical care a nation posses. Our free market allows a system that promotes medical professionals to enter and develop their careers happily. The notion of universal health care, takes the work of these professionals and converts it into a public commodity. No one has the right to someone else's labor.

If we allow the government to regulate prices and the medical industry, it will cause our system to collapse into mediocrity. Universal Health Care will bankrupt our society trying to cover everyone's medical expenses. Fewer people will choose the medical field as their careers, since it will become less lucrative. Worst of all, innovation and new research will stifle. We will be left with whatever the government's budget allows for research. When was the last time the government came up with a break through in medicine?


There is no real solution for this issue with our current technology. Instead of stopping progress and innovation, we should strive to advance our technology to produce more affordable cures and services. We cannot ignore the most vulnerable in our society and we should all strive to the path were everyone has access to our great advances in medicine.

One way to achieve a more affordable medical care, is to lower the cost of becoming a medical professional. The government should focus in providing an education alternative for those who want to pursue the medical sciences. In a free market society prices go down organically if the demand is low. Flooding the market with medical professionals will lower the prices of health care organically. Putting together an affordable and effective medical education could potentially be a better solution to our issues.

Author: us2020polls
Date created Mar 10, 2020
Last update: Dec 28, 2020
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