Debating a Libertarian Socialist

Stranger: What? Don’t know where I said people won’t even be hurt. But yeah I think people shouldn’t struggle with hunger, homelessness, poor medical care in a system with enough wealth to avoid these things. If forming a means of production is so shitty and such a struggle why isn’t the working class coming together to form means of production a preferable option?
You: well that is the million dollar question for you to answer, why isn't the working class overpower the business owners and create the means of production themselves? could be because like you said no one wants to work for free and it is easier to see means of production already made and claim those as yours wihtout really putting the effort.
Stranger: It’s because capitalists have spent nearly the last century putting down any remotely socialist movements..
You: well of course you have a competing system that tells highly smart and driven individuals they can reap the rewards of their blood sweat and tears. your system where they work for working class as slaves to society is not appealing to smart people.
Stranger: There are no ethics in capitalism. They topple democracies, use slave labor, use child labor, deny basic needs to the working class all for the sake of profit.
You: well I understand you want to solve world hunger, but you can't pull your neighbors wallet and give up their money. if you really want to do something you have to work yourself as an individual and get it done. we found capitalism that is forced altruism and which addresses that issue by promising wealth in exchange to solve world issues.
Stranger: My neighbor is not the one hoarding wealth. I’m saying my neighbor should have more access to wealth.
You: it was a metaphor to point out that your solution to issues is to steal someones else earned money.
Stranger: Well no, my solution is the fruits of the labor of the worker going back to the community and the worker not the capitalist.
Stranger: Why is it advantageous for use to have wealth hoarded at the top due to our labor being exploited?


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