Debating a human rights activist

You: I understand, but at the same time locks your mind and your potential by allowing you to free your mind of the stress of understanding hte truth. turns you into an obedient sheep. I mean you can find it subliminal messaging on every religion, I guess they warn you to some extend before they enslave you lol
Stranger: I wouldn’t say there’s any subliminal messaging in what I believe in. I came to the conclusion mostly on my own, or I guess that’s what I’d like to believe. To summarize though, I think there must be some higher being that created life and the universe for everything to be here, but I don’t think it cares. I don’t pray to it, I don’t do anything in its service, I simply live my life because at the end of the day an omniscient omnipresent being wouldn’t care about the whims of a single member of the current apex species on a rock in the middle of nowhere. That’s it. No worshipping, no rules, nothing. There just ‘something’ out there. And as much as it might lock my mind into an certain narrative, there’s only so much one can achieve in a life time. I go to protests, I contest for human rights. To me, for now, that is my purpose and my way of helping humanity. And I’m happy with it
You: well it is not as poetic or complicated as you think. my main argument relies on the fact of an observation of nature and evolution. Before we came to the top of the food chain we were pray like many animals in this planet. to adapt to our relaity our brains gave us certain chemicals discharges everytime we came to face with a predator or something that we consider bigger stronger than us. It make our knees weak and trigger hat we call our fly response or just freezes you like a deer in front of headlines. those chemicals in our brains are in everyone of us and some people take advatange of that and your fear of not knowing where we come from to make you believe they are superior and they are god. you dont' know but internally you are conditionsino your mind to be submissive and subvervient in nature.
Stranger: That’s one of the reasons I don’t like organized religion. It does that, with all the talk of fire and brimstone. I don’t dispute what you say about evolution and all that, at the end of the day what we feel are simply electric and chemical signals constantly occurring in our brains. I don’t think there’s any afterlife because I know when I die those signals stop. What I see as me ceases to be. (Rhyming genius btw). The only thing I truly fear when it comes to cosmic things like that is then death, because I know there is nothing afterwards. That’s a scary thought
You: I understand, but that is what I am trying to tell you. Religion locks your mind because they know that if you didn't make yourself submissive everything you think about your mortality then you might start thinking on how to solve the issue instead of living in fear on your knees.
Stranger: And I am trying to tell you I do not live in fear. I am trying to solve issues, issues for the rights of other people. I fear death, but I do not let that fear control me. Hell, I’m a moral relativist. I think all morals are subjective, but that won’t keep me from fighting for the morals that I believe in, however subjective they may be. I am by no means subservient to any higher force, nor to my own fears.
You: okay. I don't think we are on the same wave. I guess we just have to wait for someone to cure death :)
Stranger: I mean, do we need to be on the same wave? Clearly you see things differently but that’s fine. We’re both doing what we think is best for the world, or for ourselves, what happens at the end of the day really doesn’t matter, does it? We’ll all die out eventually, but for now let’s do our best to make our exceedingly short existence, both as individuals and a species a bearable one
Stranger: No one needs to cure death for us to enjoy the moment now
Stranger: So let’s enjoy it, for however temporary it may be


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The Immigration Dilemma

In 2016, Donald J. Trump won the presidency of the United States. One of his more controversial and catchy promises he made during his campaign was to build a long wall along our southern border. The message resonated with many people around the country. It created both loyal fans and angry enemies.

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