Debating a human rights activist

Stranger: I mean I know the human mind is an infinitely deep thing. I honestly don’t think anyone will ever be able to fully understand our minds, unless we somehow came up with a piece of technology that would assist us with that
You: yes, consciousness is one of the biggest mysteries of life.
Stranger: Life is one of the biggest mysteries of life
You: feel proud of yourself. you are rarest form this universe is able to produce
Stranger: I mean, I guess we all are, right? Everyone is unique. Tell me, do you believe in any god or higher force?
You: I am an atheist when it comes to the supernatural
Stranger: I feel like I would be an atheist as well if the question of the origin of life didn’t plague me so much. I’m a deist personally
You: hmm okay. sounds like you just don't watn to accept that you dont' know. but hey if it saves you stress, go for it
You: It can lock your mind and your potential if you live thinking you are the creation of a superior being.
Stranger: I mean that’s what all religion is really. A safety net from the insanity that lies in not knowing the true nature of anything. I do my best to be aware of the things around me, but to live a happy life, to the fullest extent that I can, I’d rather believe in something that helps me rationalize certain things. I mean hey, at least what I believe in doesn’t put down others


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Health care as a human right.

It is rooted in our human experience to appreciate all life on this planet, especially human life. The tragedy of losing someone to a disease can be felt everyday around the world. We have made immense progress in treating harmful diseases and illnesses that were deadly not so long ago using our advanced medical technology. Sadly, not everyone ..... Read full article

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