The Role Of Government
Stranger: I don’t like just wasting time.
You: what is your compalin about my answer?
You: is it because you have no point of your own and throwing a tantrum I answered and left you speechless?
Stranger: Jesus Christ…
You: lmao
Stranger: Why is this specific type of wealth redistribution“ legitimate functions of goverment.” and not other forms of it?
Stranger: *a “legitimate
You: I dont' seek a utopian like anarchy that cannot manifest in realisty, Human beings come together to form society. the question is the role of goverment, which is the entitiy that governs these societies.
You: I want small governet and outline why I am willing to distribute the wealth to have a military to protect society as a whole and to keep the rule of law.
Stranger: I understand your stance. Why in your opinion are these two things worthy of redistribution of wealth but not others?
Poll: Do you think the US government is well equipped to handle a pandemic outbreak ?
Yes, we are ready
No, I'm worried about the response effort
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Category: Health Care Public vote count: 1163 Register free account for verified stats
No, I'm worried about the response effort
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Category: Health Care Public vote count: 1163 Register free account for verified stats
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Should higher education be tuition free?
Generations after generations have been chasing the same American dream for hundreds of years. The notion of having a big house, a nice yard, couple of cars and good paying job seem to be a fairly tale these days. Colleges and Universities have made it impossible to pay for higher education with savings or out of our pocket money. These days stu..... Read full article