You're morally obligated to be vegan.

Stranger: Do you care for human feelings
You: maybe my family. but not by enlarge no. I mean I couldn't care less for your feelings or your morals lol. that is why i find them so easily to mock...
Stranger: Does failing to care means being entitled to torture someone for example ?
You: so how do you exactly link not caring with been entitled to "torture"? what is your definition of torture?
Stranger: Inflicting severe pain
You: you need to link the two for me to answer. what do you have in mind? what situation someone not caring equates to someone being entitled to torture? your questions makes no sense. and by that definition we get tortured every time we go tot he doctor for surgery?
Stranger: The pain of undergoing to the doctor is needed to avoid further pains. I don't know why you keep bringing extraordinary cases as a cop out. Take a psychopath, does the mere fact that he happens not to care makes him entitled to torture children ?
You: I wouldn't use the world entitled. no. I mean he/she would have the freedom to attempt his/her evil acts. just like other good people who disagree with that would have the freedom to try stop that individual.
You: in your case I guess if you want people from eating meat then you have to find enough allies that agree with you and then I guess wage a war with all of us who enjoy eating meat. but again you wont' be able to just influenced peoples brains you would actually have to engage in hot conflict
You: I mean that is how we did with psychopaths.


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Health care as a human right.

It is rooted in our human experience to appreciate all life on this planet, especially human life. The tragedy of losing someone to a disease can be felt everyday around the world. We have made immense progress in treating harmful diseases and illnesses that were deadly not so long ago using our advanced medical technology. Sadly, not everyone ..... Read full article

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