Animal suffering vs human freedom
You: no I don't think that is a good thing.
Stranger: yet you think humans should dominate other species because they have the ability to
Stranger: interesting
You: the lesser of two evils. freedom does not promise security. but concentrating the power int he search of security only leads to tyranny and death.
You: do you like communism?
Stranger: i'm not too familiar with that either
Stranger: i'm studying history but i'm not there yet
You: oh what time of history are you focusing on ?
Stranger: prehistory right now
Stranger: i find it really interesting
Health care as a human right.
It is rooted in our human experience to appreciate all life on this planet, especially human life. The tragedy of losing someone to a disease can be felt everyday around the world. We have made immense progress in treating harmful diseases and illnesses that were deadly not so long ago using our advanced medical technology. Sadly, not everyone ..... Read full article