socialist libertarian or modern libertarian?
You: read your debate at if you are running away that is
Stranger: ?
You: what's go you confused?
You: got*
Stranger: I don't know what that means, please elaborate
You: I thought you were leaving. so I was plugging my blog for SEO purposes.
Stranger: oh that's your blog. got it
Stranger: what made you think I was leaving?
You: I post entertaining debates I have here with people. it is nice to expose the different "styles" of debate.
You: you called it the cope phase of the debate. I assumed you were getting ready to cope with your lost and run away?
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The Immigration Dilemma
In 2016, Donald J. Trump won the presidency of the United States. One of his more controversial and catchy promises he made during his campaign was to build a long wall along our southern border. The message resonated with many people around the country. It created both loyal fans and angry enemies.
President Trump voiced stron..... Read full article