Pro-life vs Pro-choice - Conservative vs Libertarian

You: no you don't have to lol, you are welcome to remove yourself from my path. less competition is fine for me.
Stranger: What shall it profit a man if he shall gain the whole world and lose his soul.
Stranger: Everything in this life is temporary. Chase fame and wealth. It will bring pleasure for a momnet but it is all empty.
You: sound rash your god has the temper of a toddler lol
Stranger: I feel as though I am talking to a toddler
You: carrots sticks don't work in a society based in freedom perhaps why the US founders separated the church and state.
Stranger: The founders built this nation for a moral people. You are far from what they expected of Americans
You: I couldn't care less of the personal opinions of the founders I am not a fan. I care for their work and their ideas on nation creation. other than that they are not different from you and me and you should get off your knees once in a while.
Stranger: You have a lot to learn. Libertarianism is cringe. If you want to argue about how society is structured, you need to understand people and how they operate. Hopefully one day you can humble yourself and come to Christ. He is the only way. Get out of your bubble and read more. Stranger has disconnected.
Stranger has disconnected.


Poll: Do you believe Sally Yates is guilty of treason?

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Should higher education be tuition free?

Generations after generations have been chasing the same American dream for hundreds of years. The notion of having a big house, a nice yard, couple of cars and good paying job seem to be a fairly tale these days. Colleges and Universities have made it impossible to pay for higher education with savings or out of our pocket money. These days stu..... Read full article

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