Labor Theory Of Value
Stranger: we have regulated businesses in the past
Stranger: and its worked out fine
You: I feel like the free market would of rid of bad actors a long time ago.
Stranger: LOL
Stranger: the "free market" is a myth
Stranger: monopolies destroy the "free market"
You: Well monopolies aren't legal because they do mess with the free market. but the free market works.
Stranger: we don't brake up monopolies anymore tho
You: because you concentrated the power where the state can dim a company to big to fail and thus altering the course of capitalism and the free market and creating corporatism
Stranger: that's not b/c of us
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Assault Style Weapons Ban & The Second Amendment
The sound of a gun is something most of us don't want to hear in our lifetime. The tragedy to see our young people perish at the hands of a mentally unstable person, has touched our hearts deeply. Very few countries allow their people the right to bare arms as freely as in the United States. Guns are considered by many as evil and immoral. In th..... Read full article