Group Thinking Mentality

You: I can understand your point to be angry and I don't mean to make a straw man out of your point. I am just worried and pointed at an example of how dangerous group thinking can become.
You: I am.
Stranger: Okay, what is your problem (if any) with group thinking and it's dangers
You: my main problem is that universal agreement on humans is utopian. anything that attempts it will only result in the degradation of society and the bloodshed of the young.
Stranger: that's all encompassing for humanity, I don't believe in : oh we are all humans at the end of the day and what we share is our humanity and that will be the ultimate expression of us as a people. I think a group of people is best represented in a national form.
You: I don't know, I wouldn't go pass my own brain, I guess that is why I am a libertarian. I am just not arrogant enough to think I can decide for another human being
Stranger: I think that if you have a society of truly free individuals, doing what they want in a way which they desire (not violating the NAP of course), you have a lost group of people who cannot even form a coherent society
You: I agree, anarchy is as utopic as group thinking ideologies. we will probably just follow natural law. strongest wins.
You: I mean survival of the fittest would be more accurate
Stranger: if that would be the case group thinking will prevail like it always has, if the strongest wins

Assault Style Weapons Ban & The Second Amendment

The sound of a gun is something most of us don't want to hear in our lifetime. The tragedy to see our young people perish at the hands of a mentally unstable person, has touched our hearts deeply. Very few countries allow their people the right to bare arms as freely as in the United States. Guns are considered by many as evil and immoral. In th..... Read full article

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