Fair wages for workers.

You: you deserve people's respect? so that means I can I demand your respect from you?
You: nice to know you respect me :)
Stranger: I'm probably not made for this world, its full of superficial people with short term sights
Stranger: egalitarianism is definitely one of my highest callings but for most people, they see a hierarchy
You: I understand, well you have no power over your fellow human beings. you can only affect change inwardly into yourself.
Stranger: An exchange of ideas for example - may influence people one way or another. Also corporations have exploited marketing to the maximum to gain power over people
You: yes I agree with your assessment. that is why I am here trying to debate the accumulation of power. I present myself grotesque at times in hopes that you can see that not everyone might share your opinions and how difficult it is to make others accept your conditions and that only with the threat of violence you could purse your attempt at socialism.
Stranger: Anyways I wish you much success with your business, and hope that if you do get super successful, that you not only think of profits but also the workers at the very bottom of your company
Stranger: Thanks for the mostly amiable exchange :)
You: you will be surprised, look for virtual stores.


Poll: Do you support womans right to abortion?
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The Immigration Dilemma

In 2016, Donald J. Trump won the presidency of the United States. One of his more controversial and catchy promises he made during his campaign was to build a long wall along our southern border. The message resonated with many people around the country. It created both loyal fans and angry enemies.

President Trump voiced stron..... Read full article

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