Debate with an Eco-socialist
Stranger: Like?
You: well for once the competition of a capitalist societies all around
Stranger: How is that an issue for socialism
You: well innovation and the means of productions are mostly developed by the individual or a family. if a society like capitalism exists which allows those indivdiuals to reap the rewards of their work. then they will chose that over your society of working for society
Stranger: That’s why socialism uses force to seize the means of production
You: right, which gives the creators options to stay and be enslaved/killed by your gerrilla or flea to a capitalist society where you will be appreciated for your talents...
Stranger: There talents would still be appreciated under socialism they just wouldn’t get the money they could otherwise get from exploiting their workers
Stranger: Nor would they get enslaved
You: Well that would only apply to the creators brainwashed by your leadership that were born into it. the current creators will just flea. socialism loses all of its human capitalsm because it does not acount fo human greed
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