Conversation with an anarchist

You: absence of government and absolute freedom of the individual, regarded as a political ideal.
Stranger: i told you the dictionary was problematic
You: no anarchy is ultimate freedom to the individual. which does not exists.
You: whether you are part of a tribe or society you still have to follow the rules set forth by the leader of the tribe or society
Stranger: oh really
Stranger: my friend why are you trying to argue against an idea that you don't have the slightest clue about?
You: lol that is why it is called a Utopian.... I mean the notions of even couples would mess with the notion of ultimate freedom to the individual. that is how silly your thinking is.
Stranger: lol
Stranger: it doesn't mess with anything except the ridiculous straw man which you have created
You: it is not a straw man dude is by language, anarchy is a concept like communism. A communist would come and say that all human would agree to cooperate with each other. you are the opposite you come here to say every single human can live a sedentary life without the aid of another human. which doesn't exists.


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