Uncensored Political Debates

debate: Music and politics

You: hi
Stranger: Howdy, what kind of music do you like?
You: not sure that has anything to do with politics?
Stranger: Music has a lot to do with politics and also I am just interested in people's interests
You: what is the link between music and politics you see?
Stranger: Music is tied to both culture and counter culture. With a new style of music or wave there is a cultural shift with it.
Stranger: Punk Music is the biggest example though ever type has some times to it
Stranger: *every
You: I see, do you think it is all a coincidence or there is someone behind artist pushing for certain ideology?
Stranger: Most artists are influenced by their political view, idea of the status quo, and culture. As well as the genre around them
Stranger: Music is create by both individuals and cultural diffusion
Stranger: (though I have a feeling you might say Jews or something)
You: Hmm I wouldn't blame the jews even thought a lot of people don't understand them. I would blame a more sophisticated organization like the ccp
Stranger: The ccp, as a government has great control over it's people and the art they are aloud to make.
Stranger: So they can shift their culture, though they don't only use music

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Article: Health care as a human right.

It is rooted in our human experience to appreciate all life on this planet, especially human life. The tragedy of losing someone to a disease can be felt everyday around the world. We have made immense progress in treating harmful diseases and illnesses that were deadly not so long ago using our advanced medical technology. Sadly, not everyone has access to these products and services since the cost of bringing these technologies to market is high. Many first world countries have made it the norm for citizens to have access to these commodities for free, yet the US is still lacking universal health care.

Most of our great advances in science are a product of our capitalist society. The promise to reap the rewards of your own labor catapulted brilliant minds into action to produce innovative and effective cures as well as powerful drugs. Interrupting this flow of innovation could yield an unintended and undesirable outcome for everyone.

The debate rages on because there is a lack of resources to make all of these new treatments and medicine available to everyone in the US.

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