Animal suffering vs human freedom
You: I understand you have your standard adn I can say the same thing. I can say well you should eat meat because my moral is X
Stranger: okay then let's leave the word morality out of this
You: lol
You: okay
Stranger: do you agree that it's better to reduce suffering
Stranger: in the world
You: no
Stranger: why
You: I dont' necessarly agree on how you go about reducing suffering. I feel like suffering is part of nature and our human experience and getting rid of or trying to control is utopic
Stranger: not being wants to feel pain or sufferinf
Poll: How would you rate the infrastructure in your town/city?
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Good, but it could use some work
Fair, a lot needs to be done
Poor, it needs immidiate attention
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Category: Infrastructure Public vote count: 1279 Register free account for verified stats
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Should higher education be tuition free?
Generations after generations have been chasing the same American dream for hundreds of years. The notion of having a big house, a nice yard, couple of cars and good paying job seem to be a fairly tale these days. Colleges and Universities have made it impossible to pay for higher education with savings or out of our pocket money. These days stu..... Read full article