Animal suffering vs human freedom
You: well I am sure you can read this debate and you can see we are gong in circles you are welcome to read it later when I upload it.
You: so it is nice to talk about other things to keep things fresh
You: what do you think of ukraine vs russia?
Stranger: my point is suffering is important only when it's for survival and animals in factory farms aren't suffering for survival so it's pointless
Stranger: i have no opinion on the war
You: so you don't care for the suffering of Ukrainian people ?
Stranger: but my family is partly from Ukraine
You: are you pro russian?
Stranger: well i don't think countries should take other countries because they can
Stranger: that would be like humans torturing animals because they have the ability to
Poll: How do you feel about the cancelling of sporting events because of the coronavirus?
Relief, I am glad they are taking precaution
Outraged, they could have broadcasted without a live audience
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Category: Health Care Public vote count: 881 Register free account for verified stats
Outraged, they could have broadcasted without a live audience
No opinion
Category: Health Care Public vote count: 881 Register free account for verified stats
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The Immigration Dilemma
In 2016, Donald J. Trump won the presidency of the United States. One of his more controversial and catchy promises he made during his campaign was to build a long wall along our southern border. The message resonated with many people around the country. It created both loyal fans and angry enemies.
President Trump voiced stron..... Read full article