Animal suffering vs human freedom

You: start lifting bro
Stranger: i don't see how this relates to cows in a factory farm though
You: you got to work double for not eating meat
Stranger: i have quite a bit of strength and energy
Stranger: even if i had less than a meat eater i still don't see how that justifies me torturing and killing animals for their meat
You: there is no need to justify eating our food.
Stranger: there is when there's a victim involved
You: food are not victims
Stranger: animals are victims of the suffering you inflict on them
You: they are my food


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Should higher education be tuition free?

Generations after generations have been chasing the same American dream for hundreds of years. The notion of having a big house, a nice yard, couple of cars and good paying job seem to be a fairly tale these days. Colleges and Universities have made it impossible to pay for higher education with savings or out of our pocket money. These days stu..... Read full article

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