Animal suffering vs human freedom
You: start lifting bro
Stranger: i don't see how this relates to cows in a factory farm though
You: you got to work double for not eating meat
Stranger: i have quite a bit of strength and energy
Stranger: even if i had less than a meat eater i still don't see how that justifies me torturing and killing animals for their meat
You: there is no need to justify eating our food.
Stranger: there is when there's a victim involved
You: food are not victims
Stranger: animals are victims of the suffering you inflict on them
You: they are my food
Poll: Build the wall?
Yes, build that wall
No, we love immigrants
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Category: Immigration Read about this issue Public vote count: 1002 Register free account for verified stats
No, we love immigrants
No opinion
Category: Immigration Read about this issue Public vote count: 1002 Register free account for verified stats
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The Immigration Dilemma
In 2016, Donald J. Trump won the presidency of the United States. One of his more controversial and catchy promises he made during his campaign was to build a long wall along our southern border. The message resonated with many people around the country. It created both loyal fans and angry enemies.
President Trump voiced stron..... Read full article