Pro-life vs Pro-choice - Conservative vs Libertarian
You: Do you like small or big government?
Stranger: Small
You: what is more important to you social issue or individual freedom?
Stranger: I grew up libertarian but became more conservative over the years
Stranger: I want people to have maximum freedom in order to do good. But I do not believe in absolute freedom. Like I do not think all drugs should be legal for example.
Stranger: I have had many family members have their lives shortened and destroyed by alcohol and other drugs
Stranger: Another issue for example, I think abortion should be totally illegal
You: I understand, we don't disagree that anarchy is Utopian and we should maintain the rule of law focusing on small government and maximizing freedom whenever possible. I feel like a drugs lack debatable points, something like universal health care would be more of what I meant by social issues.
You: or the public education system
You: I can do the debate on abortion thought
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Assault Style Weapons Ban & The Second Amendment
The sound of a gun is something most of us don't want to hear in our lifetime. The tragedy to see our young people perish at the hands of a mentally unstable person, has touched our hearts deeply. Very few countries allow their people the right to bare arms as freely as in the United States. Guns are considered by many as evil and immoral. In th..... Read full article