Market Socialist Debate

You: that is the problem with socialism and thus you need to address
Stranger: what lmao ? I mean it depends how it’s implanted. it would 100% need an authoritarian government to implant it. and those owners who aren’t willing to give up their private means of production will be punished through court.
Stranger: and do community service more likely . Or if your a crazy soviet stalinist send them off to the gulag.
You: right so you need to fix that, even thought you laugh you are coming to society and telling all the creators in your society to give up their hard work or face penalties. while a capitalist society which is competing against your socialist society opens and welcomes those creators.
Stranger: fix what ? implantation of socialism lmao ? these private owners would have held there workers to wage labour more then likely under paid and exploited them.
Stranger: the creators are the workers
Stranger: without the workers there are no products
You: I understand. you want to hate on them and that is fine, they will hate on you too for wanting to take the welath they work hard to get.
You: so you will lose all of that human capital to societies like the USA and other capitalism societies
Stranger: Also their hard work ? the money they got to buy land was more than likely inherited.


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