Lobbying is stopping small business growth

Stranger: If I wanted to, I could just hire managers to do this all for me.
You: I know but you are been very childish thinking the only way to do a business is like you did with daddy's money lol. other people who do no t have the capital do it the hard way. but giving that I won't burst your bubble with how a real business gets created, even if you are suing your parents wealth, I wanted you to understand that even if it is not your time and money it is someones in your family
Stranger: And take a vacation indefinitely.
Stranger: Not daddy's money. We took out a loan lol.
You: hey I said daddy's money as a joke, you still have to had a good credit and co-signer to get a loan you dont' get that big of along after college unless your family is well put. but giving that you are just creating this as you go because are left with no pints other than lying.
Stranger: Haha hay you understand how privilege works. :)
Stranger: ;privilege
You: not privilege, like I explained bud, just because it was just poor dad who did the work doesn't mean it has no value. banks understand the value of your dad or even granddads work and they willing to borrow money well not you they are letting them borrow money and putting your name on it to make you feel special lol
Stranger: Got it so generational wealth isn't privilege even if that money originated from slave labor?
You: it is been over a 100 since slavery doubt anyone is alive that is benefiting from those transactions.


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Health care as a human right.

It is rooted in our human experience to appreciate all life on this planet, especially human life. The tragedy of losing someone to a disease can be felt everyday around the world. We have made immense progress in treating harmful diseases and illnesses that were deadly not so long ago using our advanced medical technology. Sadly, not everyone ..... Read full article

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