Immigration and universal health care

Stranger: I get health care for free so lol it works for me
Stranger: Well depends
You: okay so you are a doctor and suddenly I walk into your office and say: Friend, your service are a public commodity. You will have four times the work and likely same salary. Your chances of getting a raise are limited due to the fact that demand just skyrocketed through the roof. now honestly how many of those health care provides would quit and how many students would want to go into med school?
Stranger: I honestly could not answer that tbh. But hey I gtg it was a good conversation. Take care Stranger has disconnected. New chat or turn on video Find strangers with common interests (Settings) Great chat? Save the log: Get a link • Select all • Or post log to: Facebook • Tumblr • Twitter • reddit New Esc Send Enter
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Health care as a human right.

It is rooted in our human experience to appreciate all life on this planet, especially human life. The tragedy of losing someone to a disease can be felt everyday around the world. We have made immense progress in treating harmful diseases and illnesses that were deadly not so long ago using our advanced medical technology. Sadly, not everyone ..... Read full article

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