Democratic Communism

You: look at us we are example of that
Stranger: He had his economic theory LTV and combined that with the scientific socialism of Engels
You: yet you can't even take on account human greed lol. again lacking basic human nature knowledge
Stranger: Humans are greedy
Stranger: It's why a justice system needs created until post scarcity is achieved
You: well natural resources are limited again, lacking basic knowledge on nature....
Stranger: Natural resources are limited? How so? The state controlled industry can counter most of that
You: .... you didn't know natural resources are limited?
You: wtf
You: lmao


Poll: Did your financial outlook improve during Donald Trump's presidency?

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Assault Style Weapons Ban & The Second Amendment

The sound of a gun is something most of us don't want to hear in our lifetime. The tragedy to see our young people perish at the hands of a mentally unstable person, has touched our hearts deeply. Very few countries allow their people the right to bare arms as freely as in the United States. Guns are considered by many as evil and immoral. In th..... Read full article

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