Conversation with an anarchist
You: yes it is, that is how evolution shaped you bud
Stranger: how do you explain the fact that humans have lived in anarchy for most of our existence
You: I would explain as you changing the definition to anarchy to encompass some type of society.
Stranger: ?
You: an·ar·chy
Learn to pronounce
noun: anarchy
a state of disorder due to absence or nonrecognition of authority.
absence of government and absolute freedom of the individual, regarded as a political ideal.
Stranger: yeah the last line seems good
You: most humans live under society.... not sure why this is difficult for you?
Stranger: but you know the dictionary isn't always the best source when you are trying to define philosophical concepts
Stranger: so?
Stranger: i'm well aware
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The Immigration Dilemma
In 2016, Donald J. Trump won the presidency of the United States. One of his more controversial and catchy promises he made during his campaign was to build a long wall along our southern border. The message resonated with many people around the country. It created both loyal fans and angry enemies.
President Trump voiced stron..... Read full article