Politics from a libertarian perspective

Stranger: I see, but couldn't this mentality also apply to the right and any other ideologies? Often I see the left saying they advocate free speech and individual opinion but their actions say otherwise with oversensitizing critism. The right usually does this too
You: I don't see the right acting much on social issues. But I guess that will depend on where you live. I would argue some countries have mostly leftist political parties raging from far left to moderate left and the moderate left is often labeled as the right.
Stranger: I'm still very confused....lol
Stranger: To put this, I don't even understand what the term left wing and right wing is!
You: hmm on fundamental level the right wants small government and the left wants big government.
You: far left wants communism which is a super state. on the far right you have anarchism which is free for all. both are utopian
Stranger: Thanks! One question, why is (on outside) the right usually associated with these religious and traditionalist conservatives and the left associated with secular liberal people?
Stranger: Just an observation
You: mostly because of the US influence around the world. In the US christians are religious people who like the constitution. as religious people they are indoctrinated to maintain what they think are important, like the bible and the constitution. It happens that the US has a very right wing pro individual and capitalism framework. that is how people make the association.
Stranger: I see and I guess the same to do with the left


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Health care as a human right.

It is rooted in our human experience to appreciate all life on this planet, especially human life. The tragedy of losing someone to a disease can be felt everyday around the world. We have made immense progress in treating harmful diseases and illnesses that were deadly not so long ago using our advanced medical technology. Sadly, not everyone ..... Read full article

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