Marxist claims scientific proof for communism
You: Okay, I understand what you are trying to say. Let me see if I get it right. You are trying to say that greed like murder and rape can be rid of the same way, by applying pressure to try to make people not want to have that "trait" as you want to call them?
You: woudln't you call someone that goes out and rape greedy for pleasure?
Stranger: Yes. Although again, we haven’t even proven greed is an inherent trait. Let’s move on past this point because we’re just going in a circle at this point. It’s an objective and proven fact that cooperation, altruism, mutual aid, etc, is a human trait. Guaranteed. I’m not saying greed is a trait but hell let’s say it is, it doesn’t change much. Cooperation is also trait even in that scenario. So if we can choose to ignore cooperation for greed, we can do the opposite and ignore greed for cooperation.
Stranger: That yes was for your first response btw
Stranger: I was well into tying before you sent that.
Stranger: Typing*
You: I don't think that is how things work, but hey I agree we have gone in circles. I think that your way of think is very noble at is core. I think we can better debate on what society gives you a better quality of life.
Stranger: It’s important btw to understand Marxism isn’t basing its perspective on moral arguments. It’s a scientific perspective created as a difference from utopian style socialism.
Stranger: It’s funny you brought up Darwin, as Marxism was developed as an expansion and continuation of its strategy of studying systems and structures of a species over time based on its environmental conditions, to the expansion of societal structures and systems over time based on its historical and material conditions.
You: well can you at least agree that your society has no chance giving competing ideologies?
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