Marxist claims scientific proof for communism

Stranger: Plus you can look at Kropotkin’s biological and ecological studies that showcase cooperation is an inherent trait to humans, and not greed.
You: Well just because you refuse to see the issue, doesn't go away. Besides how can you not see the facts when reality shows you time and time again that it exists?
You: you see human nature in action and instead of accepting it as fact you see them as the perpetual of the inherent bad elements you would love to change. then suggest that with you can force cooperation among humans, you are delusional bud.
Stranger: Again, you’re using the same arguments everyone has used for all of the systems I just described. People under slave states did a lot of mental gymnastics to justify their own biases to keep certain people as slaves, describing them too as facts. Same goes for royal bloodlines in theological and feudal societies, etc. As I said before, your “facts” aren’t facts. There observations of inherent traits to the system that requires the perpetuation of those relations to maintain functioning, that people attempt to relate as inherent traits to the participants in order to refute any attempts in changing the system
Stranger: There’s tons of ecological and biological studies that showcase human greed isn’t inherent, but cooperation is in fact the evolutionary trait we’ve utilized to survive as we have and develop society further.
You: Okay I am sore you don't like the way our natural reality is. but it is a fact even thought you would like to take away its status as a factual information that we are part of nature and thus the laws of evolution apply to us. because you speak from authority by saying that research x and person y has validated your point. You still to demonstrate just like greed that is easily demonstrated by your own observations. .
Stranger: So, to clarify, your argument is “you can’t accept facts! Also, stop trying on facts!”
Stranger: Relying*
Stranger: Let’s discuss these studies then.
You: no


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Assault Style Weapons Ban & The Second Amendment

The sound of a gun is something most of us don't want to hear in our lifetime. The tragedy to see our young people perish at the hands of a mentally unstable person, has touched our hearts deeply. Very few countries allow their people the right to bare arms as freely as in the United States. Guns are considered by many as evil and immoral. In th..... Read full article

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